Fight Dry, Cracked Skin This Winter

You already know this is for you! We all go through it and it totally sucks EVERY TIME. Cracked skin. UGH!
The combination of cold temperatures outside and heat blasting indoors can be harrowing for the skin. Cracking, redness, and flaking are some of the conditions you could be experiencing during the winter season. In some cases, the skin can even become inflamed causing harsh pain which could lead to long-lasting issues.
Luckily there are a few things that can help with keeping your skin healthy during the winter. Using cloth facemasks and moisturizing gloves can ease the pain that regular lotion can’t. Although we fully support skin treatments, easing up on your exfoliators the during the cold months can be a big help. Need to remove dry skin? Use a hydrating face cleanser! (We adore Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser and so many other products from their line!)
Humidifiers save skin! For real. They are everything and more during these frigid winter nights! They are fairly priced on Amazon and can save you a lot of hassle on a cold morning. The moisture they provide will counteract the harshness of the air coming out of your heating system keeping you warm at night. Mine also helped my breathing A LOT!
If your typical moisturizing regimens aren’t working, here are a few extra tips to help keep your face in tip-top shape this winter:
Use sunscreen.
Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen isn’t solely for summertime and the beach. When participating in winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding or other outdoor activities, it’s not uncommon for sunburn to occur. Sunburn on dry, cracked skin can be even more painful than getting a sunburn in the summer. Applying sunscreen or using a moisturizer with SPF will protect your skin from worsening conditions.
We recommend: Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer SPF30
Drink more water.
Hydration heals all. In order to prevent extensive damage to your skin, up the amount of water you’re drinking during the winter months. Although water doesn’t directly help keep your skin healthy, it keeps your body healthy which aids in fighting off brash winter conditions such as colds, redness, and dryness that comes with sneezing and runny noses.
Bathe in warm water only.
If you’re used to taking scolding hot showers or baths, it’s time to turn down the heat. Hot water is one of the main culprits for dry skin. Already suffering from winter skin conditions? The added heat will cause the skin to cracked and become even redder. Run a lukewarm bath and add oatmeal or lavender oil in order to smooth the roughness you may be experiencing.
Easy up on shaving.
Ever wonder why men let their beards grow more in the winter months than the summer months? It’s not only to stay warm but to keep skin from becoming irritated. If you find yourself in need of a good shave, make sure to use shaving creams as opposed to soap or gel, and be sure that the razor is not dull. Don’t forget to moisturize right after!
Drop the lip balms.
Yes, we know how chapped and dry your lips can get, but flavorful lip balms are one of the WORST things you can apply in hopes to aid those situations. Dry air doesn’t necessarily dry out the lips, but licking your lips does. The Saliva that ends up on your lips dehydrates the skin around them, continuing the cycle of chapped lips. We recommend going for something less tasty and better for both your lips and skin.
*Editors Pick: Aquaphor.