International Face Fitness: The Non-Invasive Facial Workout

There are 40+ muscles in your face, and while we are consistently focused on trying to work out the muscles throughout our body, we should never neglect our facial features.
A few weeks ago, while preparing for my trip to the UK, I was researching innovative, beauty-related places that I would potentially visit while abroad. I stumbled across the Face Gym and was instantly obsessed.
What is the Face Gym? It’s a non-invasive workout for your face that focuses on specialized exercises and toning treatments. They offer a variety of unique options on their menu, such as the Signature, the Jetlag Cure, the Hollywood Lunchtime Lift, the Boss, and many more.
With the motto ‘inspired by training, powered by beauty,‘ the Face Gym also has an option for you to create a customized serum at their Make It Bar, to fit your facial workout, skin, and lifestyle needs. You will get the chance to work with their in-house mixologists to create your blend of 100% ingredients. The perfect maintenance serum – AND you get to put your name on it!
Check this video out below to learn more about this incredible boot camp for your face.
Currently they are located in the UK but guess what?! They are coming to New York this Spring and I couldnt be more excited to go.
Have you been? If not, would you try it? Let us know below!