Real Women Reveal Their Favorite Beauty Hacks

The world of beauty was built on sharing secrets and tricks then passing them down from generation to generation. Over time, the advice was tweaked and edited but the foundation remained the same. Our beauty experts love to share their remedies with you to keep this game of beauty telephone going.
Since we’re always looking to learn more, we asked our readers to provide us with some of the beauty tips they swear by! Some let us in on their favorite products, others were more organically focused. Many were similar, proving we’ve all benefitted from the wise words of beauties from decades ago; others were brand new and our team cannot wait to try them!
Here’s what they had to say:
“Face cream !!!! Must have a good one … invest the money”
-Christina, 34
“Skincare!!!! It all starts with skin, The Ordinary line by Deciem has become my holy grail, changed my face and it’s cheap.”
-Deandra, 26
“Clarisonic spin brush every night after removing makeup 🙌🏼#freshface“
-Alexa, 26
“I am 25 years old & I’m not one for applying nightly face creams, face primers, and I never do deep hair conditioners or cuticle treatments. (I know, I’m just a lazy slob) BUT what I DO do, for my beauty regimen has been my beauty secret for years. I can go probably 4 days without washing my hair. My secret is applying literally a pea size of conditioner to my hair in the shower, only at the ends. This ensures my hair won’t get overly conditioned and then greasy sooner. This does make my hair a little knotty but once I brush it out and dry it and apply some Biosilk, it looks great and voluminous. Not overly conditioned and flat. Just try it !”
-Holly, 25
“Skincare! Washing my face and moisturizing!”
-Amaryllis, 27
” Wash your face every single night. Falling alseep with my makeup was something I did when I was younger, but once you reach a certian age (which is really like, 25) you need to make sure you moisturize everynight. I love scrubs too! I just combine a little water and sugar to exfoliate. “
– Jen, 51
“Hydration (drink LOTS of water every day) and sleep. Both of those make the face look vibrant .”
-Joni, 39
“Exfoliate and biotin!”
–Terri, 52
” At this point, anything by IT Cosmetics. I had such bad skin for so long and they’ve changed my life. I’m obsessed with the mositurizer. I can’t go to bed with out putting it on first.”
-Jessica, 29
“Masks! I love Masks! I try to do one 2-3 times a week. They’re just so relaxing and easy!”
-Lauren, 22
What’s your favorite beauty tip/ product/secret? Let us know!