An Open Letter to Chip & Joanna Gaines

Dear Chip & Joanna,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for ending your show. Although many of us may be extremely upset that after this season we will not be seeing your beautiful family & designs grace the screen of HGTV, you deciding to end your 5-year run only proves how wonderful you both truly are.
We live in a world where it is so easy to lose yourself while becoming successful. So many overnight celebrities lose grip on reality and throw caution to the wind; but not you guys. You have never forgotten your roots, your home or each other, and that is beautiful. You are the role models the world needs today; the example of love that has restored hope for so many of us. You display elegance, grace, and pure joy effortlessly, which is why the world has fallen in love with you and your family so rapidly.
Thank you for never losing sight. Thank you for never failing your faith or selling out. Thank you for showing your fans that dreams can come true with hard work, perseverance and your best friend by your side. I don’t consider you celebrities because to me, that term in beneath you. You have become a part of my home as you have for millions of others. You have made us laugh, made us cry, and made us realize there is so much more to life than the glitz and the glam.
You are what I and many others hope to be one day. And yes, although we know there is no such thing as perfection, you guys are as close as it gets. Thank you for ending your show to give your growing family the privacy and attention they deserve. Thank you for raising your children in front our eyes and allowing us to be a part of your journey.
Chip eating bugs for a few bucks, Joanna changing the color of a house last minute to get it just right, DEMO-DAY and the kiddos helping to put the finishing touches on your projects- these are just a few of the things we will miss most.
I hope to one day visit Waco to get to experience with my own eyes the magnificent sense of community you have brought back to your little town. You will forever be in our homes, on our minds, and in our hearts. For the rest of our lives when we think Chip & Joanna, we will think, “finally, two people that got it right.”
May your faith be by your side for all of your future endeavors, and the happiness you have given to us, return to you every day for the rest of your lives.
On behalf of myself and all of your fans, thank you.
We love you & God Bless.