Quick Tips To Help Maximize Your Beauty Sleep

Throughout the years, we’ve seen an increase in fads and crazes when it comes to keeping your skin looking young and beautiful. Whether it’s new spa treatments, dietary changes, or skin-care routines, we are always on the lookout to find the next best thing. Of course, we know that getting a good night’s sleep will keep us refreshed and well rested, but it doesn’t stop there.
Believe it or not, it’s not just about how many hours of sleep you’re getting but how you make the most out of those hours. How many times can you recall waking up with your face smushed up against your pillow mid-drool? I know it doesn’t sound much like beauty rest and as much as you may think this is a tell-tale sign of “a good deep sleep,” you’re breaking a cardinal beauty rule before even opening your eyes.
Side and stomach sleepers, beware.
Routinely sleeping in these positions over an extended period can contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elasticity in your skin which leads to fine lines and wrinkles. Jennifer Lopez and Khloe Kardashian are amongst the A-Listers that follow this beauty tip throughout the night. They have trained themselves to become back sleepers and have had a little help from contoured pillows to ensure that they will remain in position all night long. This can be related to the long-time beauty secret of “non-expression.” Non-expression is an old-time beauty tip that contributes to the preservation of young, youthful skin. Women believed that repeatedly moving the same groups of facial muscles will break down collagen in the surface and form deep lines and wrinkles, specifically in the forehead, around the eyes and the mouth. This is why you see big-time celebs give a subtle smirk in pictures on the red carpet, (we see you, Kim Kardashian).
How else can you maximize your beauty rest?
Swap cotton for silk.
Sleeping on your back isn’t ideal for all people. Some of us enjoy nothing more than crawling into bed and sprawling out on our stomach or curling up into a big, giant ball; what can we say, we are creatures of comfortable habits. You can still contribute to preserving your youth by merely upgrading your pillowcase. Swap out the cotton for satin or silk as your skin will slide on the smooth surface as opposed to getting scrunched up. Another alternative would be to purchase a Facial Beauty Pillowcase like this one by Spasilk. It’s 100% hypoallergenic and your skin won’t be the only thing benefitting from this pillowcase. This product will also help your hair retain moisture and reduce frizziness; multiple benefits and prime delivery? Count us in.
Use night cream or coconut oil.
Applying night cream before bed is an extremely critical step in your skincare routine. Because we are regularly exposed to multiples forms of pollution, dirt, and oil throughout the day, it’s important to end your day with a clean, well-moisturized face that goes beyond cleansing and toning. Using a night cream will help improve blood circulation, boost collagen, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. This is amazing for us since our skin is constantly regenerating.
We understand that night creams can cost a pretty penny, so we’re going to let you in on a little secret: the best alternative can be found right in your kitchen!
Most of us already know the magic properties of coconut oil, so it comes as no surprise that this not only works wonders as a nighttime moisturizer but also doubles as an anti-aging treatment. Coconut oil acts as a natural emollient and offers high levels of anti-oxidants to help the skin fight off free radicals. Using a pea-sized amount on the face after your nighttime routine will help your skin retain moisture, remain tight, heal damaged skin and create new skin cells. If you plan on using coconut oil in place of a night cream, it is recommended to find unprocessed virgin coconut oil.
These are only a few, easy ways to help get the most out of your beauty sleep. Following these few tips and working them into your nightly routine will help you become the ultimate sleeping beauty.